We sometimes requires a new Google account or Gmail Account due to switch in professional world, since Google's service are free we always encounters a weird issue with usernames. If your name is too common or despite its uncommon you may realises with the scarcity of good usernames because whosoever in the world you're sharing your name is already taken that. Currently Google allowing "Name.Surname" and "Surname.Name" combination in their platform, if you removes or add "dots" in between then also mail IDs belongs to you, the only option left with the users is to put a "number" and mostly its a "Date of Birth" or otherwise a initial digits of Mobile Numbers or the numbers Google are suggesting but tat looks really bad for many who just wanted a simple username but missed it due to first come first serve basis.
Many times we started Google Accounts overlooking the future aspect but later due to professional commitments we may requires a professional Google Account but then we found that such Usernames are no more available in that case we may not able to invest on paid mails and have to find out better usernames which we have to create with some keywords for uniqueness, imagine about you started your own local business of restaurant, shops, blogs or anything else for your brand and you realised that username is already taken and since for a brand name you can't put numbers to make it unique, it will look bad anyways. There was a time when GMail has many competitors but slowly and gradually Google outsmart all, at this point of time only Outlook from Microsoft looks to be a alternative other then Google although whosoever is using Outlook must have one Google Account.
Google till now not providing the facility of "Alias" name which allow account holder to have multiple usernames with one ID and people who uses multiple IDs due to Professional and Personal reasons have to create another to fulfil the need. At the other side mostly all other competitors providing this service but whatever the logic is for Google they don't likes the idea of allias, though Google does not stopping you to open multiple accounts only during Adsense (if you wish to earn money from online) you might look suspicious as Google wants to save themselves from any mischief hence play safe despite completing all the formalities by them. Google also let users to delete existing Gmail Accounts if not wants to use anymore. Hence lets figure out how we can get rid from Google account we're not wishing to keep. Remember tat username will no longer be available hence to play safe think twice before to delete Gmail Account.
1. After Login with GMail account, click on a icon.
2. After expanding to the Icon part you will get a option called "My Account", click on it.
3. In "My Account" under "Account Preferences" there is a option called "Delete your account or services".
Logo of Google
Google till now not providing the facility of "Alias" name which allow account holder to have multiple usernames with one ID and people who uses multiple IDs due to Professional and Personal reasons have to create another to fulfil the need. At the other side mostly all other competitors providing this service but whatever the logic is for Google they don't likes the idea of allias, though Google does not stopping you to open multiple accounts only during Adsense (if you wish to earn money from online) you might look suspicious as Google wants to save themselves from any mischief hence play safe despite completing all the formalities by them. Google also let users to delete existing Gmail Accounts if not wants to use anymore. Hence lets figure out how we can get rid from Google account we're not wishing to keep. Remember tat username will no longer be available hence to play safe think twice before to delete Gmail Account.
How to Delete Gmail Account ?
1. After Login with GMail account, click on a icon.
2. After expanding to the Icon part you will get a option called "My Account", click on it.
3. In "My Account" under "Account Preferences" there is a option called "Delete your account or services".
4. In next page there will be 2 options:- Either delete entire account or to close specific services of Google.
5. For entire account deletion including services, select second option "Delete Google Account and Data" otherwise choose first option "Delete Products".
6. Now Google provides two options here, either "download your data" or delete database straightaway.
7. If went on to "download database", then its totally upto you the data you requires by check in or check out the categories or can skip or can continue with by default.
8. After clicking to next you will get Export Manager and Archive Format to go through with, check the settings and click to "Create Archive"
9. Now the process from Google end will start to collect the database whatever you have selected before you choose to delete your Google Account, during the process you can go extra mile with "Manage Archive" or "Create another Archive".
6. Now Google provides two options here, either "download your data" or delete database straightaway.
7. If went on to "download database", then its totally upto you the data you requires by check in or check out the categories or can skip or can continue with by default.
8. After clicking to next you will get Export Manager and Archive Format to go through with, check the settings and click to "Create Archive"
9. Now the process from Google end will start to collect the database whatever you have selected before you choose to delete your Google Account, during the process you can go extra mile with "Manage Archive" or "Create another Archive".
10. After the process gets completed, a mail will be sent with a link, you again have two options "Manage Archives" if wanna skip some unimportant stuffs if the database gone oversized otherwise "Download Archives".
11. Then you will moved to Download Manager, where you can download your selective Archives and then Done.
12. After downloaded the database you will be back in "Account Preferences" even if not automatically then follow the above procedure and go through manually and then go with delete process straight away, you will ask to check in for Terms and Conditions before to delete your account.
13. You will get the option to restore your account from Google if accidentally deleted or if realised that you might requires the account back then you can proceed with a restore option.
14. During login attempt as well Google reminds you that your account is deleted if required you can restore the account back.
This is how we can delete Google Account Permanently. For more info you can check Google's Community Forum and their Help Section.
Author of this post is Anirudha Das, he writes in Tech, Sports, Social, Political, Business. Follow him on social media at @anirudhasdas
Disclaimer: Blogger belongs to Google and with this post we're not using Google's own platform to discourage anyone from using Google Accounts and its Services, this particular post shall be considered for education purpose only as per a motive for anirudhadas.in and the page and writer will not held any responsibility for any action.
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